Basegame Interface
Jackpot Bonus 1
Jackpot Bonus 2
Jackpot Bonus 3
Pick Bonus Top screen
Pick Bonus Basescreen, created background and Big Win Animation
Basegame Top screen, logo model and animations.
Overall I was responsible for the look, feel and creation of the 3D elements in this game. My responsibilities encompassed, modeling, texturing, lighting, fx and everything/anything 3D whether it was pre-rendered or real-time in the game.
Basegame Interface:
3D booths for reels, Circkle K store, Wyld Stallyns Respin Logo & animation, Vertical Wyld Symbol & animation, Outstanding Wyld Feature logo & animation, Horizontal Wyld Logo & animation, multiplier cube & animations, Hinged Reel animation(camera pull away).
Jackpot 1: In this bonus I designed and did all the 3D work, realtime lighting and fx.
Jackpot 2: In this bonus I did all the 3D work, realtime lighting and fx.
Jackpot 3: In this bonus I designed and did all the 3D work, realtime lighting and fx.
Pick Bonus: All 3D, pre-rendered in Modo. Player coins are real-time.
Top screen: Created the realtime 3D logo and animations.
Creative Direction by Steve Richardson
Lead Design by Shawn Lemmon